4 JUNE 1942, Page 12


SIR,—The following sentence appears in the article "Challenge to Christians " in your issue of May 29th: "The Christians now found themselves all on one side of the arena, with the pagans and the atheists armed for the onslaught on the other." That is, to use your con- tributor's words, against " man and society." Why this persistence on the part of Christians in the belief that pagans and atheists must of necessity be criminally minded? I wonder how many atheists your contributor is personally acquainted with? Probably not one! I know scores, and, believe it or not, I have found them very ordinary decent citizens, no better and no worse than the average Christian. Then why this persistent traducing of an honourable, though minority, section of our own people? And not only our own people. but what about our Ally the atheistic Government of Russia? I think these aspersions are not only in ba taste, but neither are they true. Even if they were true it would sure! be well to remember the saying of the old pagan philosopher, Lao-tse: "Requite injury with kindness." A rather familiar ring about that Ultimately, no institution, however great, benefits by misrepresenting it opponents. Better suffer an injustice than commit one. Nevertheles that does not exclude natural resentment and even action, Lao-tse not withstanding! Hence this protest! That Hitler is neither a pagan no an. atheist is a fact upon which your contributor might well cogitat The following, however, are all pagans or atheists: Socrates, Lucretiu Plato, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius.—Very earnestly yours, Lingfell, Pollard Avenue, Bingley, Yorks. ARTHUR HANSON.