4 JUNE 1942, Page 12


SIR,—The recent article and correspondence in your columns on th wage-earner's teeth move me to write an account of the action which been taken by the Public Health Committee of the Cambridge Boroug Council to ensure that the teeth of adolescents receive attention. Ever boy and girl who has accepted dental treatment while at school is invi on leaving school to enrol in the scheme. He or she then receives ev six months a postcard making an appointment with the borough dent, at the dental clinic. If no treatment is found to be needed, no paym Is made. If any kind of treatment is needed, the boy or girl makes a payment of 2S. This arrangement is continued until the adolescent becomes entitled to dental treatment from his or her approved society under National Health Insurance. The scheme has been working now since 1938, and has proved a great success. The number of boys and girls who show their appreciation by keeping their appointments regularly is very large, and the condition of their teeth is remarkably good.—