4 JUNE 1942, Page 14

COUNTRY LIFE EMERGENCY rations for both German and Balkan troops

have provided in the shape of soya bean products, which are highly conden The chemical value of this bean is beyond question. A correspond (writing from as far off as the Persian Gulf) urges public recommendat of this food. A large number of trials have been made in England, at research stations and by seedsmen of such l'igh skill as Mes Suttons ; but, on the whole, the hopes—perhaps in some cases expectations—have not been fully realised. The bean does not itself very kindly to our climate, though it can be induced to fib It may be that varieties will be found or methods discovered which wo provide a profitable farm crop, but this consummation has not yet reached. In earlier days the bean was recommended rather as a fod than a food, and the verdict was that it was admirable, but only in quantities. Digestive troubles prevented the use of larger doses. Rese is continuing ; but it seems likely that if the food is more freely u within Britain it will have to be supplied by imports.