4 JUNE 1942, Page 14

OUR RUSSIAN ALLY SIRS As a regular reader of your

admirable journal, and being particu- larly interested in Mr. Harold Nicolson's " Marginal Comment," I feel moved to write on a recent note concerning the admiration felt by the average Britisher for our Russian ally, for all she has done and is doing against our common enemy. Surely the reason for this enthusiasm is not far to seek.

For years most of the British Press and many of the people eminent in public life have almost deliberately misrepresented Russia and all things Russian, and we are now finding that they are not so black as they have been painted. Even. at the time of the Spanish Civil War we were persuaded of the sinister influence of " Godless Russia " against " Christian Franco," but gradually information is leaking out that Russia is no more gddless than any other country and possibly less than most.

In holding these views, however, people neither belittle the marvellous work done by our fighting forces and factories, &c., underestimate the vast war potential of the U.S.A., nor minimise the gallant fight of the Chinese, but the British sense of fairplay has sub-consciously rebelled against the anti-Russian sentiment in high places, and it is to be hoped that thinking people will insist that Anglo-Russian collaboration in war will be widened and continued after the war, thus securing a basis on which permanent peace and security can be built.

May I conclude by saying that I am not a Communist.—Your:, faith- fully, L. C. CPRRIE. 55 Hereward Gardens, Palmers Green, N. 13.