5 MARCH 1859, Page 10



The rise in the value of National Stocks on Saturday, occasioned by the hwourahle statement of Mr. Disraeli, has not been supported, and a reaction at one time of per cent took place. The business doing continues to be of a most unsettled character, advantage being taken by the "Bears " of every trifling rumour to depress values, while on the other hand there is an evi- dent eagerness to accept the slightest indication of good newa ; and al- though the immense hostile preparations going on in France naturally cause great uneasiness, nevertheless on the Stock Exchange, war is not really considered probable, otherwise we should have a greater depreciation, in prices. The market, however, is influenced constantly by the rise or fall on the Paris Bourse. On Monday a decline of I per cent took place in Con- sols from the opening quotation 951f, followed by another fall of 1 per cent the next day. A report of a sudden advance of 2 per cent on the Vienna Bourse led to a recovery here of I per cent again ; this report, however, turned out unfounded, but Consols maintained their price and close firm this afternoon after a rather excited day, 951 ff for March, and 95ff ff for April. Money has been in increased demand this week owing to prepara- tions for the 4th (this day) ; at the same time more money purchases of stock have been made, contributing materially to the support of the market. The Government Broker has not yet ceased his daily purchase of 20,0001. on behalf of the Savings Banks ; the amount on Saturday was 34,0001. These constant withdrawals of stook are beginning to tell upon the state of the Money Market. Console have ranged between 951 and 951; Bank Stock closes 229 231 ; Indian Stock, 220 223; New Three per Cents and Re- duced, 961 I. A purchase of 100,0001. in Reduced was made yesterday by the Broker for the Court of Chancery. Money has ruled at fron,2 to 2f per cent.

This has been a very quiet week in the Foreign Market ; very little business being transacted, the reason for which is, no doubt, the uncertainty of continental politics. The quotations in Stocks are for the most partjust the same. Mexican, 191 20} ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 92 3 ; Ditto Three per Cent, 73 4; Ditto, Uribarren, 83 84; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 80 82 ; Turkish Six per Cent, 901 91 ; Ditto, the last issue, 77f. Vene- zuela is.,;:igbtly firmer but with little doing, 421 431 ; Ditto Deferred, 161 17: New AustrianLoan is almost entirely neglected, and is now 3 2f. discount. Spanish Stock is a shade weaker, 44 f ; Ditto Certificates, 51 1; Portuguese, 45 6. Purciizaes for the sinking fund are going on in Peru- vian, and the market is firm. Sardinian, 79 80 ; Victor Emmanuel, 86s 88s ; Brazilian, 931 4. Money continues plentiful at about 3 per emit. The English Railway Market has been dull and heavy, no business of im- portance occurring all the week. Prices have simply risen or fallen accord- mg to the variations of the Consol Market. Quotations at the commence- ment of the week declined ff f per cent, but have since recovered with English prices and a continuance of steadily improving traffic returns. The last rates show little change, but there is a decline upon last week. Most shares and stocks are now quoted ex. dividend. Bristol and Exeter, 921 3; Midland, 9: ; London and South-Western, 92 f ; London and North-Western, 93 9 ; Great Western, 561 f; Caledonian, 831 4; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 93 / ; South-Eastern, 70 ; Great Northern, 101 102 ; Sheffield, 37 1;


Berwick, 901 91; North British, 571 81. The French Market has shown considerable firmness in spite of the fluctuation occasionally of f per cent in Rentes ; shares have likewise varied more than 10s. per share, but no fall of any consequence has been maintained. Northern of France, 361 f ; Lyons, 321 83 ; Strasbourg, 26i ; Lombardo-Venetian, old, ff / pm. ;ew, t dis. These last shares are very flat. The Indian Market, particularly in East India Stock, continues firm, a large quantity being bought for invest- meat; in the smaller shares there has been little animation. East Indian, 1031 4} ; Peninsula, 1001 11; Madras 201. shares, 191201.


The markets are all firm this morning ; but little or no business stirring. Console are 951. Foreign stocks steady, French shares are a shade better, but quiet all round.