5 MARCH 1859, page 9

(from The Moniteur Of This Day.) The Serious Condition Of

Italian affairs has attracted the attention of the Emperor, whose wishes are to conclude alliances in furtherance of the in- terests of France. The Emperor has promised the King......

,fortigu Rub Colonial.

c fratre.—The Moniteur announced on Sunday, that Cardinal An- tonelli, by order of the Pope, had instructed the Papal ambassadors at Paris and Vienna to state- " That the Holy......

Sir Francis Head Has Published A Letter In The Times

which he has re- ceived from his imperial " friend " the Emperor of the French, thanking Sir Francis for his championship of the imperial cause. The Emperor plaintively regrets......


The meeting at Lord Derby's on Tuesday was attended by upwards of 200 Conservatives. Lord Derby, says the Globe, is said to have held out a threat of dissolution in the event of......

The House Of Commons Was Chiefly Occupied Last Night In

discussing the Army Estimates, moved by General PEEL. Ho said that the troops now in the United Kingdom amount to 105,000 men. Great improve- ments have taken place in military......


SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Up to Thursday, the general anticipation was that the Reform Bill would be read a second time by a fair majority composed of the Minis- terialists, numerous......