5 MARCH 1927, Page 17

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR.-- Lao-Tze was a

Chinese born sonic fifty years before the time of Confucius. who takes high rank as a profound and original thinker. In these days of " mothering " govern- ments. the following extracts from his sayings make a special appeal.

" As restrictions and prohibitions arc mutt iplied in the Empire, the people grow poorer and poorer. When the people are subjected to overmuch government, the land is I hrown into confusion. When the people arc skilled in many cunning arts, strange are the objects of luxury that appear. The greater the number of laws and enact - ments, the more thieves and robbers there will be. Therefore, the Sage says : So long as I do nothing, the people will work out their own reformation. So long as I love calm, the people will right them. selves. If only I keep from meddling, the people will grow rich. If only I am free from desire, the people will come naturally back to simplicity.' If the Government is sluggish and tolerant, the people will he honest and free from guile. If the Government is prying and meddling, there will be constant infraction of the law. is tho Government corrupt ? Than uprightness becomes rare, and goodness becomes strange. Verily, mankind have been under delusion for many a day ! Govern a great nation as you would cook a small fish. (Q.d., don't overdo it.)" Lyndale, 00 Bowes nom!, Painters Green, N. 13.