5 MARCH 1927, page 13

Premature Cuckoos.

It was firmly believed in Dorsetshire last week, on the authority of very confident reports, that the cuckoo had been heard several times near Poole. It is just a question......

An Australian Mining Prospector, Now In This Country, Has...

wonderful tales to tell of the acuteness of the senses of the native races. It was noted in the War that an English country labourer could detect an aeroplane many miles further......

Helped By Wireless (a Revolutionary Agent In Village...

institutes and other societies, these councils have a great opportunity ; but they will miss it, if they do not harness their energies and, if one may say so, put on blinkers.......

The Present Ruthless Felling Of Very Old Trees In Burley

Old, in the New Forest, offends the naturalist, because it does damage to more than the landscape. A number of birds delight in old trees, from the herons that nest in their......

Country Life And Sport Tat: New _village.

Those of us who live in country villages and take any interest in their life begin to hope, almost to believe, that they are coming into their own. A new campaign on their......

The Return Of The Trout.

In a very plaintive voice Mr. Noel Buxton said the other day (in the company of four other Ministers of Agriculture) that he had only one objection to sugar beet : he did like a......

As Egg-laying Mystery.

It speaks well for our native interest in the welfare of our home animals that two Bills for bird protection are under discussion ; and Lord Desborough, to whom all manner of......