5 MARCH 1927, Page 45


Coneernilig the affairs of his company, .the chairman of vrilLimited,Sir-George-Lawson Johnston, had-nothing but stisfaetory statement to make at the recent annual meeting, he devoted the greater part of his speech to-placing before shareholders impresSions formed during a recent visit to entina, where the company has,. of course, very large ates. I am notat all surprised that, among other things, r George should have been impressed -by the fact that, twithstanding our large commercial and financial interests Argentina, we should have no British Embassy in Buenos res. but should be content simply to have our representative rip the position of Minister. Moreover, the changes are frequent in these appointments that it appears there have n four during the last eight years, giving an average stay of ut two years. At an official Presidential reception on the entire National Fete Day, Britain's newly appointed 'lister, said Sir George, had to take up his position, not nag the Ambassadors from the United States, Italy. Spain, e and Brazil, but low down in the list of Ministers of minor es. In all official functions we, the foreign country with largest interests in Argentina, had to take a back seat.