5 MAY 1888, Page 1

The Bonlangist fever in Prance is for the moment lower.

In the Haute Savoie on Sunday, an Opportunist was returned by 22,000 votes, against 13,000 for a Radical ; and in the Isere, the Opportunist carried the seat by 38,000 votes, against 31,000 given to the Radical. General Boulanger's friends, moreover, exerted themselves, but only obtained 4,708 votes, the reactionaries abstaining. The Haute Savoie is no guide, as the population is not French ; but the return from the Isere is significant. It is believed that the Chamber, when it reassembles on the 15th inst., will postpone Revision, and that the Boulangists will not have the force to compel the Assembly to call a Congress. It must be remembered, on the other hand, that several lulls have previously occurred in the Boulangist movement, that Frenchmen always fancy delay fatal, and that the discontent, which is the true source of the General's strength, is not removed by a couple of Opportunist elections. It is stated that the wheat-growing and cattle- breeding peasantry were never in such distress, and that it begins to be difficult even to get in taxes. Beasts are in some parts of France practically unsaleable, and the peasantry now, as always, attribute the whole situation to the Government.