5 MAY 1888, page 1

The Bonlangist Fever In Prance Is For The Moment Lower.

In the Haute Savoie on Sunday, an Opportunist was returned by 22,000 votes, against 13,000 for a Radical ; and in the Isere, the Opportunist carried the seat by 38,000 votes,......

The Improvement In The Condition Of The Emperor Frederick...

not continued. The Empress Victoria has left him, to visit the sufferers by the floods on the Elbe ; but Sir Morell Mackenzie, who was to have returned to England for a week,......

There Is No Getting Out Of The Clearness Of This

decree, though the Freeman's Journal attempts to drive what lawyers call " a coach-and-six " through its terms. The truth is, that Monsignor Persico has given the greater part......

The Circular Of The Roman Congregation Of The Propaganda On

the subject of the " Plan of Campaign" and Boycotting, signed by Cardinal Monaco, and dated April 20th last, has been published in various translations, more or less differing......

News Of The Week.

I N spite of the lull still observable in politics on the Continent, the feeling of uneasiness has distinctly increased this week. The feeling is for the most part vague; but......

Mr. Gladstone Has Written A Letter To Mr. Walter Maclaren

on the assertion made by Mr. Chatterton, the Tory candidate for the Crewe Division, that up to his fiftieth year Mr. Glad- stone was " in full sympathy with the Tory Party." Mr.......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


Notice.—with This Week's " Spacratost " Is Issued, Gratis, A