5 MAY 1894, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THY " SPECTATOR."] SIE,—In your interesting article " In Praise of Pine-woods in the Spectator of April 28th, you have unduly curtailed their- extent in Dorsetshire. Instead of finding their final limit by the shores of Branksome and Poole Harbour, they continue for twenty miles, through a district well known to the readers of Mr. Hardy's novels, to within a short distance of Dorchester.

The whole course of the South-Western Railway, between. Dorchester and Southampton, is through a succession of heaths and firs ; and when there is no more room for houses- at Bournemouth, lovers of pine-woods will find ample space a little further west.—I am, Sir, &c., J. A. J. HGUSDEN.