5 MAY 1950, Page 20

The Servant Problem

SIR. —I was very interested in the article This Servant Problem, by Marghanita Laski in the Spectator, of March 24th. We have here in Bridge of Allan the only Scottish centre of the National Institute of Houseworkers. For over two years I have watched this " servant problem" being very successfully-tackled. Many of the students, who have now finished their training, are settled in this district, in the type of middle-class home, mentioned in your article, where there are young children. Indeed, on enquiry at the centre, I find that over 75 per cent. of the girls choose to go to homes where there are children. Unfortu- nately, the supply is far short of the demand ; but there are always 25 students in training, and they pass out after six or nine months. Recently the Queen's housekeeper at Balmoral Castle enquired at the centre here for staff, which was a tribute to the standard this domestic training is

aiming at.—I am, yours faithfully, ELLA MACLEAN. Helenslea, Bridge of Allan, Stirlingshire.