5 MAY 1950, page 20

"tbe Spectator, Bay 4tb, 1850

The announcement of a University Commission has taken all by surprise. . . . The greatest grievance of- the present system [of teaching] is that the fellowships involve no......

In The Garden In Visiting A Country-house Garden (thrown...

under an admirable scheme) I noticed one bed that seemed to me rarely ingenious. It con- sisted of tree peonies and early tulips. The middle leaves of the peonies " half......

Omitted Pests From This April Local Councils Are Entirely...

kir the suppres- sion of rats and mice and certain other enemies of food production. It is now against the law for anyone to allow a number of these on his premises. The pest......

The Servant Problem

SIR. —I was very interested in the article This Servant Problem, by Marghanita Laski in the Spectator, of March 24th. We have here in Bridge of Allan the only Scottish centre of......

Wages And Dividends

SIR.—" News of the Week " (April 14th) contained a timely comment on the necessity for trade unions to resist the dangers of inflation by continuing to exercise a policy of wage......

Country Life

IN a considerable experience of bird-nesting I have never, that I can remember, known so many nests deserted. Three thrushes' nests in my garden were deserted, two before any......

A Garden Of Peace

In Argentina, so I am told, a " Garden of Peace " has been laid out with beds containing plants especially characteristic of the various countries. England would be all right......

Safety First Or Career ? Sir,—althou G H An Inexpert...

would dispute with Miss Ophelia Dane (in your issue of April 21st) that to learn typing and shorthand is the last resort of the young woman who has tried one or more trainings......

An Offending Shire Is Staffordshire A Peculiarly Ruthless...

ignorant county ? About ninety per cent, of the complaints I have heard of flower destruc- tion come from this part of the world. Here is a country Rector's experi- ence: "......