5 NOVEMBER 1937, Page 18

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]

Sra,—I have been reading, with ever-growing bitterness, the series of articles which you have been -printing: I refer to those written by Mr. Athill on prison conditions..

Last week he surpassed himself in hypocritical self-delusion with his references to the " unofficial visitors." As an ex- prisoner myself—I have served time in Brixton, Wormwood Scrubs and Pentonville—I can assure him that he has written utter nOnsense. Practically all prisoners resent fiercely and bitterly the unwelcome attention they receive from these people. To my personal knowledge at least two arrests have been made as a result of breaches of Confidence on the part of these people, who unwarrantably pry into the private lives of tinforttmate men. Another visitor to' Wormwood Scrubs waszin my time—a ' notorious ' pervert. While I do not suggest that spying and , homosexuality are the only

motives that lead unofficial visitors to take up their sclf- • imposed tasks, I would point out that most prisoners are convinced that they are actuated by vulgar curiosity and would be better employed by relieving their sadistic tendencies by a visit to the Zoo.

With regard to the question of bullying may I call your attention to the recent question in the House of Commons and point out that the Home Office at first tried to suggest that the prisoners had got black eyes through jumping off

a wall ?—I am, Sir, yours, &c., CHARLES PRIOR. 13 Cliveden Place, S .W .