5 NOVEMBER 1937, page 2

" Straight " News For Foreigners The Decision That Special

programmes are to be broadcast from this country by the B.B.C. in certain foreign languages represents what is on the whole a regrettable necessity. For many years this practice......

North African Unrest The Violent Anti-french Agitation In...

has compelled the French Government to take severe repressive measures ; the consequences of its continuance would have been alarming. The three French administrations in......

Germany And The League In A Speech Which He Delivered

at Munich last Sunday the German Foreign Minister defined the attitude of Germany towards collective security at the League of Nations. It is all to the good that such a......

The Fighting In China While The Brussels Delegates...

continues her courageous resistance. In the Shanghai area the Japanese have concentrated on crossing the Soochow creek, which separated the two forces, but they have so far only......

Front Populaire Strains The Annual Congress Of The French...

Socialist Party, which met at Lille last week-end, came very near to making a final breach with the Front Populaire ; the situation on Saturday was serious enough to bring M.......

Provision Against A Slump The Debate On The Address This

week concluded with the discussion of a Liberal amendment asking that the Govern- ment should prepare measures to combat a possible reces- sion in trade ; and it is to be......