5 NOVEMBER 1937, Page 36


The nineteen-year-old hero of this story (Longmans, Green, 6s.), who has been accompanying his father on a big-game hunting expedition in Bechua- naland, is left alone in the Kalahari Desert when his father is dragged-off by natives. With the courage and adapta- bility of a young Crusoe he makes a home for himself in a cave near a pool. The pool is, of course, a centre of wild animal life, and the boy h4 an adven- turous time. Mr. Chalkley uses this situation—which will appeal to all young readers—as the basis for a description of animal life, on which he is obviously an expert. The story *self, though not too far-fetched, is improbable, but the excellent photographs with which the book is illustrated give it an air of reality. Mr. Chalkley has carried out a quite original idea with success.