5 OCTOBER 1912, Page 17

This belief, that a vital moment has arrived, is matched

in Bulgaria and Servia, and even in Greece, while the Mountaineers of Montenegro are, as always, ready for the fray. The hope to get rid once and for ever of Turkish domination in Europe has spread like wildfire *rough the Balkan States and the Christian 'populations living under 'Turkish rule. " This spirit is one which will Make it very difficult for Austria-Hungary to take any action which'will seem-like supporting Turkey or barring the door to Christian emancipation. Again, it is bound to affect Russia, where the feeling of the Cross against the Crescent, though it has slumbered of late, will in all probability be revived in a very fierce form the moment hostilities begin. As to the military prospects, we shall not attempt to prophesy, except to express an opinion that it would be a great mistake to imagine that the Turks will find it as easy to deal with the Bulgarians as they did with the Greeks. Whether the Bulgarian army is equal to that of Turkey remains to be seen, but in the opinion of competent judges it is certainly a very formidable military instrument.