5 OCTOBER 1912, page 30

Tv. 7113i Editor Or Ten "spectator. " ]

SIR,—I cannot understand a great part of " Workman's" letter in the Spectator of September 28th ; but two sentences in it are quite simple, and upon the answer to them depends,......


[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—The letter of your correspondent " Workman" in the Spectator of September 28th conveys a truth which is too much lost sight of, a......

Safeguards In The Government Of Ireland Bill.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] must thank " Irish Protestant" for his letter in your issue of September 14th. It affords striking confirmation from the month of a......

Letters To The Editor.

THE LATE SIR FREDERICK RICHARDS. [To Tan EDITOR 01 THY "SPECTATOR. " ] Sin,—The death of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Frederick Richards removes from our midst one of the most......