5 SEPTEMBER 1970, Page 23


From William Rees-Mogg, Jim Powell, David C. H. Ross, D. R. Smallwood, W . S. C. Copeman, Joan Delderfield.

Spectator's mjtebook

Sir: Mr Booker in his column (29 August) creates two ghost editorials in the Times; May I try to exorcise them.

He wrote last week that in 1967 'we at once had a notorious bout of trendiness; editorials eulogised Mick Jagger and pleaded for the liberation of pot'.

In fact our leaders on drugs consistently took the view that pot should remain illegal. We did not eulogise Mr Jagger, though we did argue that a particular sentence on him was not justified by the facts disclosed in the case. The Court of Appeal agreed with the view.

William Rees-Mogg

Editor, the Times, Printing House Square, London EC