5 SEPTEMBER 1970, page 23

The Dilemmas Of London

Sir: Lionel Brett's article (22 August) was refreshing for its objectivity. For those Lon- doners, like myself, who have a great love of their city, it presented a worrying por-......

Table Talk

Sir: Sir Denis Brogan is collecting a danger- ous reputation for inaccuracy.- His allegation that F.E. remained at home during the first world war indicates some lack of......

Pergamon Pressed

JOHN BULL The battle for control of Pergamon Press has restarted. But unless you have an account- ant's training it is very hard to determine what is going on. Just occasionally......


From William Rees-Mogg, Jim Powell, David C. H. Ross, D. R. Smallwood, W . S. C. Copeman, Joan Delderfield. Spectator's mjtebook Sir: Mr Booker in his column (29 August) creates......