6 APRIL 1929, Page 2

The Independent Labour Party, which has held its Conference at

Carlisle during the week, was bolder than, might have been expected in view of theSteadY dwindling Of its membership, though Mr. Maiton, the Chairman, was kinder than usual to the Labour Party. Doubtless he recognized that it is inappropriate to hive a domestic quarrel just before a General Election. . Still, he did prescribe for the I.L.P. a continuation of its function as " gadfly to the Labour Party," and though the stings Of the insect do not hurt much at present, it may be assumed that they will become worse when the General Election is over. Mr. Maxton has been elected Chairman for the- foUrth year in succession, and he will have the chief voice in determining policy. There are, however, several important members of the volatile" and energetic. I.L.P. who do not agree with Mr. Maxton.

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