6 APRIL 1929, Page 26

THE PERFECT MURDER CASE. By Ghristopher Bush. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d.)-When

a man informs Scotland Yard and the newspapers that he intends to commit a murder, and even tells them the time and neighbourhood chosen for the crime, the chances are largely in favour of a " hoax." But the murder duly takes place. Ernest Richleigh, in killing his wealthy uncle, had made his plans so apparently foolproof that he felt safe in indulging his whim of adding sensation to crime. His scheme was certainly neat and clever, and it is only at very long last that the one weak link in it is dis- covered, not by Scotland Yard, but by an amateur detective who thereby makes a " scoop " for the publicity agency of which he is a member. The story is as intriguing as it is im- probable, and it ends with a melodramatic thrill.