6 APRIL 1929, Page 28

General Knowledge Questions

OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Rev. S. H. Rendall, Sutton Courtenay „Vicamge, Abingdon, Berks.

. . Questions Thildsophy

1. What wise mail said that no one Shahid be deemed happy until he had completed a hapOY life -? • . .

2. What philosopher was it who claimed to have a divine voice

within and who was his biographer ? _ .

3. Who was responsible for the saying " All things flow " ? 4, What great thinker was converted to the Christian Faith by the prayers of a woman ? 5. What philosopher said' that nature 'is conquered by- obeying her ? .

6. Who were the subtle doctor and the angelical doetor ?

7. What famous French monk and thinker preached the Second Crusade-4 8. What plillOrepher said that two things filled Win- with awe ? " The starry heavens above and the moral law within." What was his chief work ?

9. What was the great saying of the French philosopher, Descartes ?

10. Who invented the words " altruism " and " pragmatism " ?

11. Who was the author of the phrases " the will to power" and " the superman " ?

12. What Bishop was the great exponent of conscience and what defence of religion did he publish ? 13. Who invented the term " agnostic " and what does it mean ?

Answers will be found on page 550.