6 AUGUST 1887, Page 26

Vid Nicaragua. By Mrs. Alfred Hort. (Remington and Co.)- "

In the year 18—," begins Mrs. Hort, " we sailed for New York, our destination being the far-famed city San Francisco," and she pro. ceeds to describe the discomforts of her voyage. The figures she leaves out are just what she should have put in. We do not in the least doubt the truth and accuracy of her narrative, but the date is a most important and interesting element in it, so thoroughly have the conditions of transit across the North-American continent changed. We must own to having found the catalogue of travellers' woes—mosquitoes, bad food, dirt, extortion, and the familiar tribe of troubles—somewhat wearisome. Still, they are described with a certain amount of picturesque effect, as is the wonderful loveliness of Nature which continued to make the traveller forget discomfort and danger.