6 AUGUST 1887, page 16

The Dean Of St. Paul's On The Church.

[To TIM EDITOR Or THE •• SPECTATOR. "] read with great interest your article on this subject on July 23rd, expecting to find a calm and courteous vindication of the Churchman's......

Lord Salisbury On Free-trade.

(To 7118 Roma or THE "SPECTATOR."] Sne,—You are pleased to say in the Spectator of July 30th that Lord Salisbury made an " effective " reply to Mr. Gladstone'e claim of the......

An Irish Child On Irish Crime.

[TO THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—The first paragraph in your issue of July 30th, on the subject of the application of the various clauses of the Crimes Act in Ireland,......

Home-rule And Federation.

[To THE EDITOR or TEL SPECTATOS." Sin,—The letter from Mr. Spicer in your issue of july. 30th encourages me to write a few lines of remonstrance to the editor of what may be......

" A Tory Lordling."

[To rum Eonos or nue n Srsorrroa."] Sts,—Referring to your review of my book, " A Tory Lordling," I must ask you to let me say a few words. Your reviewer chooses to assume,......

Amusement For A Bank Holiday.

[TO TEN EDITOR OF THE"SPECTATOR. " ] Sta,—We have read with much interest your critique upon Mrs. A.ehted - Troyte's " From the Pyrenees to the Channel in a Dog. Cart;" but......