6 AUGUST 1898, Page 2

In the House of Commons on Tuesday night Mr. Cham-

berlain unfolded his scheme for assisting the West Indies. In addition to the 2120,000 previously voted, he proposes :- (1) An Agricultural and Botanical Department under the management of Dr. Morris, of Kew, which will cost 24,500 this year and 217,000 a year in future. (2) Improved com- munication between the West Indies and Canada, New York, and London, and between the islands themselves. This will coat 25,000 this year and 220,000 in future years. (3) Model sugar factories for Barbadoes, Antigua, and St. Kitts. Private capitalists are to advance 2750,000, on which we are to guarantee 3 per cent. for ten years. In no case will this country lose more than 2200;000 by this scheme. We entirely agree in the advisability of this expenditure, for it is our duty to maintain a civilised government in the West Indies, and a civilised government they cannot provide out of their own resources.