6 AUGUST 1898, Page 26


Adventures of a French Sergeant in Italy, Spain, &c., 1805-1823 (Hutohinson) 6/0 Assyrian Deeds and Documents, copied, collated, &D., by C. H. W. Johns, Vol. I., 8vo (Bell) 21/0 Beale (D.) and Others, Work and Play in Girls' Schools, or 8vo (Longtoans) 7/C. Bickerdyke (J.), Practical Letters to Young Sea-Fishers, 8vo ...(L. U. Gill) 7/6 Carrington (H.), The Siren, or 8vo (Stock) 3/6 Cary (0.), The Man who Feared God for Nought, cr 8vo (Stock) 2/0

Caws (L. W.), The Unrecognised stranger, and other Sermons ...(Allenson) 3.6

Challaoombe (W. A.), Bond and Free, 12.mo (Stock) 2/0 Charles (J. E.). A Statesman's Chance, cr 8vo....-... ..................(Constable) 6/0

Christie (0. F.), Licensing Practice, or 8vo (Riohards) 6/6 Corelli (Id.) and Others, The Modern Marriage Market., 12mo (Hutchinson) 2,0

Ferguson (R.), Dulciasima I Dilectissima, 12mo (Stook) 2/6

Ford (P. L.), The Story of an Untold Love, cr 8vo (Constable) sp Gallon ('r.), Dicky Monteith, or 8vo ..... -..-....- .......... ............(Hutchinsou) 810

Heron (E. and H.), Tammer's Duel, or 8vo (Pearson) 2/6 Hudson (A. A.) & Another, The Law of Light end Air, or Sao (F. N. Wilson) 6/0 Jerome (J. K.), The Second Thoughts of an Idle Follow (Hunt & Blackett) 3/6 Le Harivel (O. S.), Principles of French Grammar, or 81ro ...(Oliver & Boyd) 2/6 Macleod (H. D.), Indian Currency, 8vo (Lougmana) 2/6 Markham (C. A.), Handbook to Foreign Hall Harka, or 8vo (Gibbingz) 5/0., Moore (W.), Nocturnes and other Poems, 4to (Stock) '5/0 Penrose (Mrs. H. H.), The Modern Gospel, or 8vo (Constable) 6/0 Sheldon (C. M.), In His Steps : "What would Jesus do?" or Pro (Allenson) 3/6 Stables (G.), Off to Klondyke, m.. Pro (Nisbet) 5/6 Veitch (71.), Willow Leaves, 16mo (Unicorn Press) 2/6 Weatherly (F. E.) and Another, Lays for the Little Ones, 4to (Rioordi) 5/0 Williams (T. R.), Belief and Life : Sermons, or 8vo (H. Marshall) 3/6'' Women of Sacred History, by "A. S.," or 8v0 (Skerington) 3/6

Woods (V.), An Elusive Lover, or 8vo (Constable) 3/6