6 AUGUST 1904, Page 1

There are all manner of rumours about the fighting at

Port Arthur. What appears to be true is that the Japanese commenced a great assault upon the fortress on July 26th, and that after three days' fighting, during which the slaughter on both sides was unusually heavy, they failed to carry all the positions they attacked, but did carry a fort about a mile and a half from the centre of the fortress. The accounts come, however, from Chinese expelled from the city, Chinese can- not be trusted as to numbers, and the apparent quiescence of the Japanese Fleet is not in any way explained. It seems clear that Marshal Oyama, who conducts the assailing opera- tions, wishes to end the siege at any sacrifice ; but General Stiissel, who commands in Port Arthur, is a stubborn fighter; the Russian soldiers, whether " depressed " or not by the loss of any hope of relief, will still obey orders ; and it may be weeks before the Japanese are in actual possession.