6 AUGUST 1904, page 2

Mr. Balfour's Speech Was Extremely Witty And Adroit, But, As

Mr. Asquith—whose very able and straightforward speech may best be described as the quintessence of what clear- minded and straight-seeing men are thinking throughout the......

The Friends Of The Vatican In France Rely Greatly Upon

the Pope's power to deprive the Government of its position as protector of all Roman Catholics in Asia, a position which gives it a special foothold in Syria, and some other......

Lord Curzon On Monday In A Speech At The Constitutional

Club made a remark which will be received in India with a certain disgust. He gave as a message from India to British politicians : " In the first place, come and see us." That......

On Monday In The House Of Commons Sir Henry Camp-

bell-Bannerman moved as a vote of censure a Resolution regretting the action of those Ministers who had accepted office in the Liberal Unionist organisation, that body having......

In The Commons On Tuesday, When The Vote For The

Im- perial Defence Committee came under discussion, Mr. Balfour pointed out that the Committee was still in an embryonic condition. The Committee would not trench upon the......

Of The Speeches In Reply, Two Alone Call For Remark,

those of Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Balfour. Mr. Chamberlain denied that the Tariff Reform organisation had ever been directed against Unionist Members, unless their constituencies......

The Sultan Of Morocco Appears Determined To Lose His Throne,

or, as an alternative, to force France to protect him by active intervention. His people already suspect and hate him as a man who prefers the ideas of the West—in truth, he......

On Wednesday, On The Vote In Supply For The Salary

of the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Colonel Sauuderson called atten- tion to the case of Constable Anderson, and his persecution at the instigation of a village priest, with, as......

On Tuesday Mr. Balfour Announced The Titles Of The Bills

which he has decided cannot be passed this Session. They are sixteen in number, and include the Port of London Bill, the Aliens Bill, the Valuation Bill, and the Scotch......