6 AUGUST 1927, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—It was decided at a recent meeting of the Society for Nautical Research to endeavour to raise funds in order to provide a memorial to the eminent Dutch artists, William Van de Velde " the Elder " and his son, William " the Younger." After working for many years in the Netherlands, they were invited to England by King Charles IL circa 1673— becoming marine painters to that Sovereign and to his successor, King James If.

They were buried at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, but the stone placed there (to the memory of the father only) appears to have perished long since, and it seems hardly appro- priate that these men, whose fame is so closely associated with the nautical history-of two great maritime nations, should lack a word of memorial in the country where they found their final resting-place. It is proposed now to commemorate both names together on a stone in that church, the balance of the money subscribed being devoted to a suitable charity.

It is thought that the high esteem in which these two great artists are held by art-lovers and archaeologists may find suitable expression in this belated tribute to their genius, and those who wish to be associated with the project are asked to be good enough to send their contributions to me at this address, or to the Hon. Treasurer of the Van de Velde Memo- rial Fund at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, S.E.—I am, Sir, &c.,