6 AUGUST 1927, page 22

A Bishop Sees The World

Some World Problems. By the Right Rev. Arthur F. Winnington Ingram, D.D., Lord Bishop of London. (Longmans. 4s.) THE Bishop of London always holds the platform by his amazing......

A Study Of Theatrical Art

The Development of the Theatre. By Allardyce Nicoll, M.A. Illustrated. (Harrap. £2 2s. net.) T.UE energy of Professor Allardyce Nicoll is amazing. Deeply engaged with his......

Some Art Books

MESSRS. BENN'S Decorative Sculpture (12 2s.) consists of a series of illustrations collected by Georg Kowalczyk. It is a beautifully produced volume and will save the student......

Prayer Book Revision

A Plea for the New Prayer Book. By the Bishop of Manchester. (S.P.C.K; 4d. net.) responsibility for action over the Revision of the Prayer Book is passing from the Bench of......