6 AUGUST 1927, Page 18

General Knowledge Competition

TI1E prize of one guinea which the Editor offers weekly for the best thirteen General Knowledge Questions (with answers) is awarded to Rev. G. S. Richardson for the following:— General Knowledge Questions

1. Which cathedral in England has the largest east window ? 2. What branch of the Christian Church does not observe Christmas Day ?

3. Why was the wireless message for ships in distress changed from C Q D to SOS, Come quickly, danger, to Save our souls ?

4: What does the mark on ships signify, and to whom does it owe its origin ?

5. To whom do we owe our Bank Holidays ? 6. What English statesman left all his books to the students of the nation, and where are they housed for use ? 7. " Oh he's little, but he's wise, And he does not advertise— " To whom do these words refer, and who wrote them ?

8. What blind M.P. rose to Cabinet rank, what do we owe to him, and what Scriptural message is inscribed on his grave slab ?

9. For what are Sir James Simpson, M.D., Cyrus Field, Lord Lee, and William Willett specially to be remembered ? 10. Which county in England claims the smallest coastline, has only one port, and only one ruined abbey in its territory ?

11. Who first patented the net now in use for football goal posts, and what county cricketer never made " a pair of spectacles " in his innings 12. What is the meaning of the word ANZAC ?

13. Name a word in the English language which contains the five vowels.

. Answers will be found on page 233.

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