6 FEBRUARY 1904, Page 23

New Enrrions AND Iteraurrs.—In the "Mermaid Series" (T. Fisher Unwin),

John Dryden, 2 vols., edited, with Introduction and Notes, by George Saintsbnry (5s.) We should explain that it is the plays which are printed in these two volumes. We are-in- clined to doubt whether, on the whole, they are worth the trouble ; but still, here they are in a cheap and cenvenient form, and set off by the editor to the best advantage.—Some Elements of Religion. By H. P. Liddon, D.D. (Longmans and Co. 6d. net.)—Lent Lectures delivered at St. James's, Piccadilly, in 1870.—Thoughts on Religion. By the late George John omanes. Edited by Charles Gore, D.D. (Same publishers. 6d. net.)—Lectures on Preaching. By Phillips Brooks. (H. R. Allenson. 3s. net.)—In the "Red Letter Library" (Mackie and Son), Essays by Thomas Carlyle; and The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, by Oliver Wendell Holmes (2s. 6d. per vol.)—From the same publishers also The Confessions of Harry Lorreguer ; The Cartons, by Lord Lytton (2s. 6d. per vol.); and The Path-Fincler,by J. Fenimore Cooper (2s.)