6 FEBRUARY 1904, page 12

• Enlivened By A Most Amusing Comedy. In The "news

of the Week" in your last issue you quote Mr. Younger's expression of thankfulness when" the Tariff Reform League had taken up its bed and walked from Ayr." Before this happy......

America And Retaliation.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE 'SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I observe that you suggest (Spectator, December 19th, 1903, p. 1066), that one of the possible methods of retaliation by this country if......

[to Tee Editor Op Ter " Sproutor.1 Sue,—you Have Referred

to Mr. Lyttelton's claim, in a recent speech to his constituents (see Spectator, January 30th, p. 170), that Kingsley, Ruskin, and Carlyle were "authorities against the extreme......

Cobden As Prophet.

[To TEE EDITOR OP THE '"SPECTATOR."] SIE, — I have been reading the volume of extracts recently made by Mr. Hirst from the speeches of the Free-trade orators- It seems to me......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator."] Eln,—on . All Hands...

are assuring the working man that if tariffs are placed on imported goods wages will rise and there will be no unemployed. But is this promise likely to be fulfilled ? If all......