6 FEBRUARY 1942, Page 14


Snt,—May I be allowed an inch or two in your valuable columns to endorse most forcibly your quite unanswerable article on " Music and the B.B.C." written by W. J. Turner in your issue of January 3oth? I do deplore the latest musical tendenciei, especially those reflected on the Forces wave-lengths. I feel sure Service men and women are not so untutored intellectually as to warrant the profuse allowances of dance band and cinema organ music. As Mr. Turner infers, I loathe the cinema organ, a travesty on its original church counterpart As an ex-public-school chorister and old piano and organ pupil, I crave for more classical music. If organ music is to be played, why not play it on the real instrument and not its quavering imitation? Could the B.B.C. not reduce the volume of strident jazz trumped up daily, especially late at night? Who in his senses desires to retire to bed with Jack Payne csr Geraldo reverberating in his brain? Classical music is unpopular with many because they will not use their God-given minds to understand it. Some wise man said, " Man's needs must choose the highest when he sees it." Why not in music, one of man's noblest arts? The B.B.C. programmes need drastic overhaul and such blatant exhibitions as Happidrome, Hi-Gang and Music Hall eliminated., A nation is judged by its taste, and music is rightly under fire in this matter. In catering for all tastes there is no need to have recourse to the cheap and vulgar.

Hoping something will be done.—Yours sincerely, •