6 FEBRUARY 1942, page 22

Life On The Land. By Fred Kitchen, With Woodcuts By

Frank Ormerod. (Dent. 12S. 6d.) IN his new boolg Mr. Kitchen tells the story of a year's work on an English farm month by month, and binds to it the story of the men and women......

The Appearance Of A Second Edition Of This Important Book

is of value primarily as calling attention again to the book's existence. It is by no means free from faults, particularly on the political side. The criticism of Sir Edward......

Shorter Notices

The World Crisis, 1911 - 1918. By the Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill. (Macmillan. 'Ss.) As an admirably, if accidentally, timed answer to Hitler's recent rhetorical question, " What......

Finance And Investment

By CUSTOS REPORTS from Washington that we are about to witness the adoption of a common currency are, to say the least, premature. I cannot believe that-we have moved far enough......