6 JANUARY 1917, Page 10

is essential in the case of the Allies,. and says

nothing which is superflucius. No finesse was needed and none is practised. A better proof of the sincerityr‘of the Allied Powers could not have been given. In face of thii document, how -is it possible for any impartial and properly instructed man to take the line that there were faults on both sides and that neither combatant has a monopoly of good faith ? The essential fact in the whole business is that Germany made Austria's quarrel with Serbia an excuse for attacking France, -Russia, and Belgium, and through them Britain. Thobe Powers .were -attacked_ in the same spirit in which Fru-itself& the. Great, in the first Silesian War, attacked .Maria. Theresa.. In both e cases the war was made solely because the Prussian Govern- ment believed that they could win. .