6 JANUARY 1917, page 20

Alcohol And Longevity.

[To rue EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] Six, — " Alcohol and Life Insurance " is the title of an article by E. L. Fisk which appeared in a recent number of the Atlantic Monthly. It......

The Allied Terms.

(To THE EDITOR or TEL " SPECTATOR.") SIR, —In your excellent leading article tinder this heading in the last issue you allude to the restoration of the Danish portion of......

The Trade And Compensation.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sta,—Now that "State purchase" is about a certainty, we are all hoping that you will still adhere to your words, published in the Weekly......

Prohibition In Ontario.

CTo THE EDITOR or TEE "SPECTATOR. "] Sia,—I enclose a quotation from a Canadian letter on the effects of prohibition in Ontario. The case is put with Colonial vigour, but is, I......

Sib Walter Scott And Oliver Goldsmith On " Down Glasses."

[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATON."] SIE.,—As you very wisely point out in your "` Down Glasses' — The Test Case " article, the drink evil is not a temperance but a national......

Alcohol And The Army.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—As one of the heaviest drinkers of our mess, and speaking for two others, I write in appreciation of the line you have adopted with......