6 MARCH 1926, Page 21


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—Pilloried before your public as a " happy-thought " person, permit me one last word. Mr. Davey, somewhat upset, it seems, by the dogmatic tone of my question, " Why not Wave Power ?" brusquely asserts, without substantiation, that wave power is neither scientifically nor commercially possible. Fortunately for the idea, however, it is mechanically possible, and an effective wave power station has been built.

It is not for me to challenge the authority of so erudite an expert as Mr. Davey, M.LC.E., but I submit on behalf of the . idea, in an attempt to rid it of the aspersion of frivolity, the fact that Mr. Davey has studied the subject for so long shows that he has found much food for thought therein.—I am, Sir,