6 MARCH 1926, page 13

The New York Times Sent Letters To Twenty-three...

asking them to define their attitude; Five replies favoured a modification of the Volstead Law but eighteen were against modification. Dr. Manning, the Bishop of New York, has......

Specimen Days

[The title which we .have borrowed from Walt Whitman. to stand at the head of these articles well enough expressei their purpose. They are simple accounts of the daily life of......

In The Opposite Camp Are To Be Found The Two

American CardinalsSardinal Hayes, Archbishop of New York, and Cardinal O'Connell, of Boston, who• since : the death of Cardinal Gibbon, of Baltimore—one of the most charming old......


THE question of Prohibition continues to occupy much space in the American Press. The distinct revival of interest in the subject is'partly due'to the appearance of the Report......