6 MAY 1899, Page 1

The crisis in the Transvaal still continues in a state

of suppressed animation. President Kruger is, it appears, nego- tiating in regard to the dynamite monopoly both with the capitalists and the Imperial Government, which alleges that the concession is a breach of the Convention. Our hope is that iho Imperial Government will not be content with a compro- mise on this matter, which after all only affects the capitalists. The essential thing is the franchise, and upon this the whole force of public opinion and Government action should now be concentrated. We do not, of course, mean to imply that the interests of the gold industry are not worth considering, but rather that there can be no real peace in the Transvaal till the Outlanders have been ,siven the vote on reasonable terms. To keep more than two-thirds of the white population of any State unenfranchised—these, according to the Times, are the figures —is a monstrout anomaly. The oath question is said to present difficulties. Upon this matter we should like the opinion of international lawyers. What is the effect of the subject of the paramount Power taking an oath of allegiance to the sovereign but dependent Power I It seems arguable that the paramount allegiance could not be broken by any act of allegiance to the dependent Power.