6 MAY 1899, page 1

The Italian Cabinet Came To An End On Wednesday, Ministers

resi g nin g without waitin g for an actual vote of the -Chamber. It was clear from the tone Of the debate that they would not be able to obtain a majority. All the speakers, as......

In The House Of Lords On Monday Lord Salisbury Made

a statement as to the a g reement with Russia. The g eneral drift of the a g reement, which would, he hoped, be laid on the table in a few days' time, was to define our fields......

The Crisis In The Transvaal Still Continues In A State

of suppressed animation. President Kru g er is, it appears, ne g o- tiatin g in re g ard to the dynamite monopoly both with the capitalists and the Imperial Government, which......

Sir John Gorst, Who Made His Annual Statement On The

Education V o te in Committee of Supply yesterday week, attributed the increase of the amount of the Vote,'" which is £8,753,986, or 2188,240 over last year's estimate, to......

News Of The Week.

O N Saturday last it was announced that General Luna, who commands the Army of the Filipinos, had sent Commis- sioners with a white fla g to the American camp to ask for an......

The Fi G Aro Provided A Fresh Sensation For Its Reader, By

reproducin g in its issue of Tuesday the substance of the depositions of Colonel Du Paty de Clam at his examination before the Court of Cessation only last Saturday, althou g h......

The Editors C A Nnot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
