6 MAY 1899, Page 1

The Italian Cabinet came to an end on Wednesday, Ministers

resigning without waiting for an actual vote of the -Chamber. It was clear from the tone Of the debate that they would not be able to obtain a majority. All the speakers, as the Premier himself said, whether they were for expansion or against it, condemned the policy of the Cabinet in China, and therefore further discussion was useless. In all probability the result of the crisis will be a reformed Pelloux Ministry, composed of nonentities selected from various, and in many cases hostile, groups. As friends Of Italy, we deeply regret these constant shiftings of the political kaleidoscope. What is wanted in Italy is a Cabinet of Affairs composed, not of second-rate politicians, but of the best men in the country, —a Ministry which will look the financial situation in the face, and abandon all external schemes. There is no reason why Italy, ruled by a strong and economical Ministry, and bent upon a concentration of her internal resources, should not in six or seven years become a really powerful nation. Bad finance and ill-advised and half-hearted schemes of conquest may, however, bring her to the verge of ruin.