6 NOVEMBER 1880, Page 20


Five Weeks in Iceland. By C. A. de Fonblanque. (Bentley.)— Mrs. Fonblanque visited Iceland in the summer of 1879, in company with four friends. She did not see anything out of the way, for her journeyinge were put an end to by the illness of her companion, when they had extended as far as the familiar locality of the Geysers ; but she has made out of her experiences a pleasant and fresh little volume. Most of her five weeks was spent in the town of Reykiavik, and she gives us a lively and entertaining picture of life in the upper circles of that town. Sometimes, we are bound to say, her liveliness is not duly restrained by good-taste. We quite recognise the necessity, which travellers have to submit to in Iceland, of lodging in the church. Still, if you have to do this, it is well not to make fun out of any of the incongruities which inevitably arise out of such circum- stances.