6 NOVEMBER 1880, page 14


MR. THORNELY'S PRIZE ESSAY ON CONFESSION.* This is the Burney Prize Essay for the present year, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge having selected. the subject......

An Act Of Canine Friendship.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, 1 have read from time to time in the pages of the Spectator instances of canine sagacity furnished by your corre- spondents, which......

The Rainfall.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. 1849 to 1879. 1849 to 1879. January 1 . 67 in. February 1.50 in. February 1 . 50 in. April 1.57 in. March 1 . 58 in. March 1.58 in. April 1......

Letters To Tiie Editor.

THE MORALITY OF BRIBERY. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPIICTATOR.1 Sia, — When I wrote to you last week on the subject of Bribery at elections, my object expressly was, as I then said,......