6 NOVEMBER 1880, Page 3

The double murder near Bromley of a gamekeeper, named Ellis,

and his wife, by a young man named Joseph Waller, who seems to have had no sort of quarrel with either, and nothing to gain by the murder, and no wish to escape after he had com- mitted the murder, conies nearer to an example of murdering for murdering's sake, than any other case we recollect. When he charged himself with the crime, he tossed up for his own fate, and looking at the coin, called out, " Gallows I" Did he also toss up whether he would murder Ellis and his wife, or not ? He seems to have been quite in the state of mind to do so. The prospect of anything like a mass of haphazard crime is one of the most formidable in the world. It suggests the prevalence of a sort of moral idiocy.