6 NOVEMBER 1915, Page 27


S/11,—Wa should be greatly obliged if you could find space to insert a special appeal for gifts of all kinds to the Chelsea Clothing Depot for Belgian Refugees, which was organized over a year ago by Miss St. John Partridge, whose voluntary initiation of this work was the starting-point for the war refugees work at Crosby

Chelsea. Although many Belgians in England are now self- supporting, there is still a vast number who are solely dependent upon English generosity and help of all kinds. Our Depot has been practically self-supporting, partly owing to periodical jumble sales, whose success was entirely due to splendid gifts of various kinds and loans of houses and shops, and partly to the devoted work of our voluntary helpers and of manifold gifts of clothes sent to us by well-wishers. We have been able to provide clothing for some eighteen hundred oases, and have besides sent a large number of garments to Belgians in Holland and elsewhere. With the coming of winter, the demands made upon us are exceeding our Supplies, and we are therefore under the necessity of making this appeal to the generosity of your readers. We need gifts of every sort of clothing for mon, women, and children, including boots, overcoats, underclothing, &o. Gifts should be addressed to Miss St. John Partridge, 8 Cheyne Row, Chelsea.---We are, Sir, &c.,

R. Hopson-, Mayor of Chelsea. KATRARINR LTTTSLTON

(Chelsea War Refugees Committee).