6 NOVEMBER 1915, page 24

The Danger Of Bureaucracy.

[To 7R111 EDITOR OP TOR "SpEcrAro6.”] Sin,—The article by " Vigilans" in your last issue is both necessary and timely. Forty years' experience as an Income Tax Commissioner has......

The State Purchase Of The Liquor Trade.

[To TUE EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR."] have read with great interests in your issue of October 23rd, a letter by Mr. J. T. Rbys regarding the action of the Good Templars in their......

The Tenant's Liability For Aircraft Damage.

['To Tar EDITOR 07 TIER "SPECTATOR. "] SI is generally assumed that the tenant of a London house will, under the terms of his lease, be liable to rebuild his house in the event......

Income Tax Collection.

pro TUN EDITOR Or TRU " SPECTATOR."] Sirt,—In a communication in your issue. of October 30th regret is expressed that " the common-sense plan of collecting Income Tax from......

Thoughts On Zeppelins.

[To VII EDITOR Or Ter e sieccuros. " 1 Stu, — The public has demanded that London should be pro- tected by more and better guns, and by more and better flying machines. The two......