6 NOVEMBER 1993, Page 28

Committee report

Sir: I write not to refute J Enoch Powell's arguments (`The trick of that voice', 30 October), but to consider the possibilities of his contention being true. First, I suspect that 'Shakespeare: the Committee' would become subject to the critical scorn that greets most consensus — and therefore compromised — achievements and prompt a further range of alternative interpreta- tions and performances. Secohdly, Shakespeare scholars would turn to the Business Schools and acquire techniques to analyse the workings of committees. An examination of the authorship of texts to determine the distinctive hands of the chairman, the facilitator, the completer, and the scribe would add a rich seam to lit- erary studies.

Powell has recreated a Shakespeare appropriate for our age.

Catherine M S. Alexander

22 Ascot Close, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire